domingo, 21 de diciembre de 2014

Revolting rhymes: Cinderella (Storytelling)

I´m going to comment a revolting rhyme which is created by the well-known author Roald Dahl (you may know him because he had written wonderful books like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory or Matilda). 

Roald Dahl created the Revolting Rhymes, a funny series of rhymes about traditional tales. However, this rhymes have been changed.

This revolting rhyme is about the story of Cinderella: 

I guess you think you know this story.
You don't. The real one's much more gory.
The phoney one, the one you know,
Was cooked up years and years ago,
And made to sound all soft and sappy
just to keep the children happy.
Mind you, they got the first bit right,
The bit where, in the dead of night,
The Ugly Sisters, jewels and all,
Departed for the Palace Ball,
While darling little Cinderella
Was locked up in a slimy cellar,
Where rats who wanted things to eat,
Began to nibble at her feet.

She bellowed 'Help!' and 'Let me out!
The Magic Fairy heard her shout.
Appearing in a blaze of light,
She said: 'My dear, are you all right?'
'All right?' cried Cindy .'Can't you see
'I feel as rotten as can be!'
She beat her fist against the wall,
And shouted, 'Get me to the Ball!
'There is a Disco at the Palace!
'The rest have gone and I am jealous!
'I want a dress! I want a coach!
'And earrings and a diamond brooch!
'And silver slippers, two of those!
'And lovely nylon panty hose!
'Done up like that I'll guarantee
'The handsome Prince will fall for me!'
The Fairy said, 'Hang on a tick.'
She gave her wand a mighty flick
And quickly, in no time at all,
Cindy was at the Palace Ball!

It made the Ugly Sisters wince
To see her dancing with the Prince.
She held him very tight and pressed
herself against his manly chest.
The Prince himself was turned to pulp,
All he could do was gasp and gulp.
Then midnight struck. She shouted,'Heck!
I've got to run to save my neck!'
The Prince cried, 'No! Alas! Alack!'
He grabbed her dress to hold her back.
As Cindy shouted, 'Let me go!'
The dress was ripped from head to toe.

She ran out in her underwear,
And lost one slipper on the stair.
The Prince was on it like a dart,
He pressed it to his pounding heart,
'The girl this slipper fits,' he cried,
'Tomorrow morn shall be my bride!
I'll visit every house in town
'Until I've tracked the maiden down!'
Then rather carelessly, I fear,
He placed it on a crate of beer.

At once, one of the Ugly Sisters,
(The one whose face was blotched with blisters)
Sneaked up and grabbed the dainty shoe,
And quickly flushed it down the loo.
Then in its place she calmly put
The slipper from her own left foot.
Ah ha, you see, the plot grows thicker,
And Cindy's luck starts looking sicker.

Next day, the Prince went charging down
To knock on all the doors in town.
In every house, the tension grew.
Who was the owner of the shoe?
The shoe was long and very wide.
(A normal foot got lost inside.)
Also it smelled a wee bit icky.
(The owner's feet were hot and sticky.)
Thousands of eager people came
To try it on, but all in vain.
Now came the Ugly Sisters' go.
One tried it on. The Prince screamed, 'No!'
But she screamed, 'Yes! It fits! Whoopee!
'So now you've got to marry me!'
The Prince went white from ear to ear.
He muttered, 'Let me out of here.'
'Oh no you don't! You made a vow!
'There's no way you can back out now!'
'Off with her head!'The Prince roared back.
They chopped it off with one big whack.
This pleased the Prince. He smiled and said,
'She's prettier without her head.'

Then up came Sister Number Two,
Who yelled, 'Now I will try the shoe!'
'Try this instead!' the Prince yelled back.
He swung his trusty sword and smack
Her head went crashing to the ground.
It bounced a bit and rolled around.
In the kitchen, peeling spuds,
Cinderella heard the thuds
Of bouncing heads upon the floor,
And poked her own head round the door.
'What's all the racket? 'Cindy cried.
'Mind your own bizz,' the Prince replied.
Poor Cindy's heart was torn to shreds.
My Prince! she thought. He chops off heads!
How could I marry anyone
Who does that sort of thing for fun?

The Prince cried, 'Who's this dirty ****?
'Off with her nut! Off with her nut!'
Just then, all in a blaze of light,
The Magic Fairy hove in sight,
Her Magic Wand went swoosh and swish!
'Cindy! 'she cried, 'come make a wish!
'Wish anything and have no doubt
'That I will make it come about!'
Cindy answered, 'Oh kind Fairy,
'This time I shall be more wary.
'No more Princes, no more money.
'I have had my taste of honey.
I'm wishing for a decent man.
'They're hard to find. D'you think you can?'
Within a minute, Cinderella
Was married to a lovely feller,
A simple jam maker by trade,
Who sold good home-made marmalade.
Their house was filled with smiles and laughter
And they were happy ever after.

Then, in another photocopy, we have an exercise about this revolting rhyme, that it consists in complete the gaps with the words that appears in the left right:

Next day, the Prince went charging down
 To knock on all the doors in town.
In every house, the ............. grew.
Who was the owner of the shoe?
The shoe was long and very ..............
 (A normal foot got lost inside.)
Also it smelled a wee bit ............
(The owner's feet were ....... and ........)
Thousands of eager people came
To try it on, but all in vain.
Now came the Ugly Sisters' go.
One tried it on. The Prince screamed, '............!'
But she screamed, 'Yes! It fits! .................! '
So now you've got to marry me!'
The Prince ........... white from ear to ear.
He muttered, 'Let me out of here.'
'Oh no you don't! You made a ..............!
 'There's no way you can back out ............!'
'Off with her .............!'The Prince roared back.
 They chopped it off with one big whack.
This pleased the Prince. He smiled and said,
'She's prettier without her .............

At the end of the photocopy that our teacher gave us, there is an exercise that ivite us to start our own Revolting Rhyme, the mine is about "The Lion King" my favourite Disney´s tale:

In the hot Savanna
Where we don´t need a badana.
It was born a little lion
that it was one in a million.
His name was Simba
and he liked to play the marimba.
He was a lovely prince
that eated a lot of quince.
But one day, his father called Mufasa
went to work for the NASA.
Simba was very sad
but a litlle bit glad.
He was going to be the king
and he could wear the royal ring.

Comments about Cinderella´s Revolting Rhyme:

I think this Revolting Rhyme is very funny and surprising because at the end Cinderella prefers marry with a decent man instead of marry with the prince. I like this change but I don´t like when the prince cut the ugly sisters head since it doesn´t appropiated for kids.

This Revolting Rhyme is perfect for Primary Children, in high levels, because the vocabulary is difficult and the content is a little violent for young children.

The exercises are quite interesting because it encourage us to be creative.

Revolting Rhymes: Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf (Storytelling)

This is another Roal Dahl's Revolting Rhyme:

As soon as Wolf began to feel
That he would like a decent meal,
He went and knocked on Grandma's door.
When Grandma opened it, she saw
The sharp white teeth, the horrid grin,
And Wolfie said, ``May I come in?''
Poor Grandmamma was terrified,
``He's going to eat me up!'' she cried.
And she was absolutely right.
He ate her up in one big bite.
But Grandmamma was small and tough,
And Wolfie wailed, ``That's not enough!
I haven't yet begun to feel
That I have had a decent meal!''
He ran around the kitchen yelping,
``I've got to have a second helping!''
Then added with a frightful leer,
``I'm therefore going to wait right here
Till Little Miss Red Riding Hood
Comes home from walking in the wood.''

He quickly put on Grandma's clothes,
(Of course he hadn't eaten those).
He dressed himself in coat and hat.
He put on shoes, and after that
He even brushed and curled his hair.

Then sat himself in Grandma's chair.

In came the little girl in red.
She stopped. She stared. And then she said, 
``What great big ears you have, Grandma.''
``All the better to hear you with,'' the Wolf replied.
``What great big eyes you have, Grandma.''
said Little Red Riding Hood.
``All the better to see you with,'' the Wolf replied. 

He sat there watching her and smiled.

He thought, I'm going to eat this child.
Compared with her old Grandmamma
She's going to taste like caviar.

Then Little Red Riding Hood said, ``But Grandma,

what a lovely great big furry coat you have on.''
``That's wrong!'' cried Wolf. ``Have you forgot
To tell me what BIG TEETH I've got?
Ah well, no matter what you say,
I'm going to eat you anyway.''

The small girl smiles. One eyelid flickers.
She whips a pistol from her knickers.
She aims it at the creature's head
And bang bang bang, she shoots him dead.

A few weeks later, in the wood,
I came across Miss Riding Hood.
But what a change! No cloak of red,
No silly hood upon her head.
She said, ``Hello, and do please note
My lovely furry WOLFSKIN COAT.''


Comments about Little Red Riding Hood:

I like this Revolting Rhyme because it is different than the original tale. I think that is funnier because it has got a touch of humour when the wolf replied Little Red Riding Hood that she was wrong because she had forgot to tell him what big teeth he had got. The end is quite crazy due to Little Red Riding Hood shoots the wolf and makes a "lovely furry wolfskin coat".

On the other hand, I think that Revolting Rhyme is not approìate for very young children because the language is so complicated for them, and maybe the end is not convinient, not at all.

This Revolting Rhyme is better to work with Primary Children because the vocabulary is more proper for this age.

viernes, 19 de diciembre de 2014

Design a listening activity (Didáctica del inglés)


Some questions about the picture:
  • What can you see in the picture?
  • How many aliens are there?
  • What colour is this alien?
  • What colour is the alien number 4?
  • How many arms/legs/eyes/heads/mouths/… have you got? Let´s move them!
  • How many arms/legs/eyes/heads/mouths/… has the alien number 2 got?

During the listening
This activity is a picture dictation for very young children, so we bring them a paper that they have to complete with the commands that we give for them.

The instructions can be the following:
  • Put numbers under each alien in the correct order.
  • Well done! Now, go to the alien number 3 and draw one more head and add one eye and one mouth on each head. Then, draw two arms and three legs. Finally, colour this alien with orange.
  • Oh very good kids! At this time, you have to draw the alien number 1. Draw three eyes and two mouths inside the head. Well, he has got one arm and one leg too. He is purple.
  • You are doing a beautiful picture! For finish, you must draw the alien number 2 with two eyes and one mouth. Right, he has got four arms and two legs. His colour is green.
After listening
To conclude this listening activity, the kids are going to mime one of the aliens that they have drawn previously or one of the aliens that appears in the image. For this, they make groups of four.
They must imitate with their body the number of arms and legs, and then the others have to guess what alien is represented.

The teacher encourages them to count the arms and the legs.

jueves, 18 de diciembre de 2014

Reading a tale (Storytelling)

Wow! Said the owl is the tale that I chose for reading in the storytelling class. In this book, children can learn colours throw the eyes of a little owl, so this is motivated for them because they usually love animals.

Another reason why I chose this book is that it allows interaction with the listeners because:

  • ·         We can ask questions and make predictions about the cover: eg “what is this? , where is the owl? , what do you think is going to happen?” , …

  • ·         We can include the children in the story: eg the tense “wow! Said the owl” is repeated almost on every page, so we can encourage children to repeat this.

  • ·         We can ask questions and make predictions while we are reading the story: eg when butterflies appear we can ask “what is these?” or “how many butterflies are there?” ; we can also make predictions “when the sun is shining and it starts to rain the thing that appears in the sky is a…… (rainbow)”

  • ·         We can use a song to review the colours: when I read this book in class in the end, I sing the following song about the rainbow, encouraging my mates to sing with me:

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue
¡purple, pink!
Red, orange, yellow, green, blue
¡purple, pink!
Is the rainbow, is the rainbow
A beautiful rainbow in the sky
Is the rainbow, is the rainbow
A beautiful rainbow in the sky

In conclusion, I think this book is a good choice because I read this, in this way, for some kids and they enjoyed the book and the song so much!

Three little pigs (Storytelling)

This entry is about a the tale "Three little pigs" however with another end. I hope you like it!


Once upon a time, there were three little pigs. They lived with their mother but one day they decided to leave their home: they was going to build three houses for each other. The first pig used straw to build his house. The second pig used sticks to build his house. And the third pig used bricks to build his house.

One day, a wolf was going for a walk and saw the first house. He knocked on the door and said:
- Hello! Are anyone there?
The pig was terrified. He didn´t open the door. 
The wolf got angry and lew and blew and the house fell down.

The pig ran and ran to his brother´s house. When the wolf arrived at the second house knocked on the door and said:
- Hello! Are anyone there?
The pigs were terrified. They didn´t open the door. 
The wolf got angry and lew and blew and the house fell down.

The pigs ran and ran to their brother's house. When the wolf arrived at the third house knocked on the door and said:
- Hello! Are anyone there?
But now, the third pig opened the door.
-Hello! What do you want- the pig said.
-I´m hungry. Can I eat with you?- the wolf answered.
-No! You want to eat us!- the pig cried.
-No! I don´t like pigs. I don´t eat meat. I hate it. I only eat vegetables and fruits- the wolf explained.
The wolf came into the house and all of them ate a great salad.
Since then, they were the best friends in the forest.


martes, 16 de diciembre de 2014

The room on the broom (Storytelling)

This is an adaptation that is created by two mates and me for the subject "storytelling". This entry is about a well-known tale "The room on the broom"

The room on the broom

The witch had a cat
And a very tall hat,
And a long blond hair
With a beautiful ponytail.
The cat and the witch
Started their trip
On the broomstick
Flew through the wind
Suddenly the wind blew so wildly
It blew off her hat.
A dog found find the hat
And called the witch and the cat
-Thank you so much!- said the witch
-Can I go with you?- asked the dog
-Of course you can!-
And the dog dropped it politely.
Suddenly the wind blew so wildly
It blew off her glasses.
A bird found the glasses
And called the witch, the cat and the dog.
-Thank you so much!- said the witch.
-Can I go with you?- asked the bird.
-Of course you can!- cried all of them.
Suddenly the wind blew so wildly
It blew off her magic wand.
A frog found the magic wand
And called the witch, the cat, the dog and the bird.
-Thank you so much!- said the witch.
-Can I go with you?- asked the frog.
-Of course you can!- cried all of them.
All the animals are hungry
And the witch decided to cook a delicious meal.
She asked the animals for some food
And they went.
While they were searching for food
A dragon scared them.
-A big dragon is coming!- shouted the animals.
-I`m sorry, I didn`t want to scare you- said the dragon.
-Don’t worry animals, he is my friend- said the witch.
And all of them ate the great meal that they have cooked.



Witch: a woman who has magic powers.

Blond: a person with yellow hair.

Ponytail: is a hairstyle

Broomstick: is a special stick that the witch uses to fly.

 Wand: is an special object that the witch uses to do her magic conjures.

Questions about the cover:
-How many animals are there?
-Look at the witch face, is she happy or sad?
-Do you think that the witch is good or bad?

In some pages, we are going to ask questions like:
-What is this colour?
-What is this animal?
-Is she/it feel sad/happy/frighten?

- Do you like the story?
-What is your favourite character?
and then, we motivate them to draw their favourite character

Cristina Blanco
Rebeca Ruiz
Natalia Sauca

Hello everybody!

¡Hola a todos!
Soy estudiante de magisterio de infantil en la Universidad de La Salle y este blog está dedicado a subir determinados trabajos que nos mandan en dicha carrera. Ya tenía un blog de estas características, con el mismo nombre pero como no me deja entrar he tenido que crear otro. Como estoy haciendo la mención en inglés, el idioma de mis entradas será el mismo.
Espero que quien me lea (si es que lo hace alguien a parte de la profesora)le guste.
Thank you everybody